A day in my life at school.

Hey guys! Here’s a day in my life at school. I hope you like it! First off, I start my day getting ready for school. I often have a hard time getting up in the morning, but when I do get up, I pick out an outfit for the day, do my hair, brush my […]

Reviewing Converse hightops.

Hi everyone! I am going to be reviewing Converse high-tops. Let me know if I gave a decent rating. (These are my favorite shoes) #1. How easy they are to put on.  Converse high-tops are known for being a little difficult to put on. It is a bit tricky having to undo the laces and […]

Winter free-write

January 2, 2022. Hey everyone! welcome to my first free-write. Today I’ll be writing about my favorite things to do in the winter time since today is cold and snowy. A lot of you probably don’t know, but my  favorite season just so happens to be  winter. I know a lot of people who don’t […]

My first post

This is my first post. I am learning how to add images and links to my post. I will start by adding my favorite candy. One of my most visited sites is Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/      

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