A day in my life at school.

Hey guys! Here’s a day in my life at school. I hope you like it!

First off, I start my day getting ready for school. I often have a hard time getting up in the morning, but when I do get up, I pick out an outfit for the day, do my hair, brush my teeth,  and get out the door to my carpool. Once I arrive at school, I head up to U.S. History which is on the top floor of my school. I am grateful to have U.S. History first period because my teacher’s energy is like caffeine for my brain. She is an abrupt wake-up call for all of us at 7 in the morning. After history, I walk down the main hall to my journalism class. This is where I write my blog, record podcasts, and occasionally do photography! I love this class. It is super peaceful which is something I especially need before math. Speaking of math, it is the worst! I hate going to math, but my classmates are alright, so it isn’t all horrible. After math I then head to  my main hallway and go to ELA. My ELA class is my favorite. I love writing so much. It is a very relaxing class. I also love ELA because my teacher is great. She is preparing us so much for high-school, and I am so grateful. After ELA I have lunch. I head down to the cafeteria and have fun with my friends at my table. After lunch, I then go down the downstairs hallway to my peer-tutoring class. I love being with all my friends in that class. I love my buddy who I’ve been partnered with and it’s the best elective ever! Then for my final class, I have science. Science is almost as bad as math because of our teacher. He doesn’t do a great job at teaching, so it is hard to learn and excel in his class. I then take the bus home, which is very chaotic. The kids are always annoying and never listen to our poor bus driver.

My day at school is usually average, but is overall okay.

Thanks for taking the time to read about my school-life!



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